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Michael DeMarco

Business Solutions & Software Group has been serving the Coral Springs area since 2005, providing IT Support such as technical helpdesk support, computer support, and consulting to small and medium-sized businesses.

Support Tech that has servered South Florida for 16 years helping our customers grow through the use of technology and streamline process changes weather it be from simple hardware implementation, software recommendations or custom software applications.

Practical Biometric Passwords Infiltrate the US Military

b2ap3_thumbnail_biometric_security_400.jpgHumans are always striving to create the next big security measure against the massive wave of online threats. One topic consistently in discussion is biometrics as a security measure, which take advantage of unique biological aspects of users in order to maximize security. Now, the US military is seeing the value of this kind of technology, and they’re funding a campaign to make it available to users.

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You Can Lose Your Data as Easily as You Can Forget a “Eureka!” Moment

b2ap3_thumbnail_eureka_moments_400.jpgDo you get some of your best ideas somewhere other than at your desk? Ever get a brilliant game-changing idea while walking the dog, driving home from work, when out at a restaurant, or even in the shower? If you do, then you’ve experienced the frustration of forgetting your life-changing idea before you get a chance to write it down.

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Tip of the Week: Managed IT Abbreviations Don’t Have to Be Confusing

b2ap3_thumbnail_confusing_acronyms_400.jpgIt’s always important to know about what you’re investing in before you take the leap of faith. In the world of business and managed IT, we understand that jargon and abbreviations can potentially kill a sale. This is what we call “geekspeak,” and while it’s generally avoided as much as possible, it can cause some business owners’ eyes to glaze over and zone out.

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Looking for Virtual Love in All the Wrong Places

b2ap3_thumbnail_i_love_you_400.jpgOnline dating has been around long enough that it no longer carries a negative social stigma. In fact, you may know of some success stories from online dating--or you may have even successfully used online dating yourself. When looking for online love, remember to use protection from scammers.

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Tip of the Week: Retrace Your Steps in Microsoft Word with Go Back

b2ap3_thumbnail_microsoft_word_400.jpgHave you ever been working in Microsoft Word and needed to go back and check an edit you made, but you didn’t remember what you did, or where in the document you did it? Going back and reviewing your edits in Word is easy using the little-known Go Back command.

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