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Michael DeMarco

Business Solutions & Software Group has been serving the Coral Springs area since 2005, providing IT Support such as technical helpdesk support, computer support, and consulting to small and medium-sized businesses.

Support Tech that has servered South Florida for 16 years helping our customers grow through the use of technology and streamline process changes weather it be from simple hardware implementation, software recommendations or custom software applications.

As It Turns Out, Millennials Might Be Useful for Professionals After All

b2ap3_thumbnail_can_you_benefit_from_milennials_400.jpgMany business executives are skeptical about employing millennials, particularly because of misconceptions that they’re unwilling to work hard and have no manners. However, just like many individuals out there, these thoughts aren’t necessarily founded, and some business owners are finding it particularly fruitful to hire millennials. The reason? They have a knack for working with technology.

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Warning: CryptoWall Targets Businesses and It’s Just as Nasty as Its Cousin, CryptoLocker

b2ap3_thumbnail_cryptowall_400.jpgIn the wake of a ransomware takeover, it seems like the world can’t go a few months without some sort of data loss disaster occurring. The antics of hackers grow more dangerous and difficult to dodge, and IT departments have their hands full dealing with the fallout. What’s keeping you from contracting this ransomware, and how can you keep your business from suffering its consequences?

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Tip of the Week: What if We Told You That You Can Improve Productivity AND Save Money?

b2ap3_thumbnail_three_solutions_400.jpgFor a business to prosper, there has to be more than a casual consideration of the expense report. Most businesses do their budget yearly, but some smaller organizations have gone to a three-month (or quarterly) budget to improve their ability to be more agile with their capital. There are times, however, where no matter what you seem to do, expenses outfox profits and your company has to take a hard look at what they are going to do to right the ship.

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5G Wireless Technology Will Be Really, Really Fast

b2ap3_thumbnail_this_is_the_future_of_wireless_400.jpgIt’s been a few years since the mobile industry embraced the fourth generation of wireless communication. Tabbed “4G”, it has been the accepted communications platform for devices since 2010. While it’s important to understand where we are, it’s equally important, especially regarding technology, to see where we’re headed. Due to the immense demand these networks have on 4G, is there a chance that we will see an upgrade of this system soon? Analysts say it’s not likely.

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Boost in Managed Services Suggests Utility Computing Growth

b2ap3_thumbnail_cloud_growth_400.jpgThe advantage of managed IT service is that it allows businesses to secure the IT support they need, without having to take on the responsibility and expense of managing these services. When coupled with the development and deployment of computing resources, it becomes clear that outsourcing IT is the smart way to go for small to medium-sized businesses looking to do more for less.

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