Business Solutions & Software Group Blog

Business Solutions & Software Group Blog

Business Solutions & Software Group has been serving the Coral Springs area since 1997, providing IT Support such as technical helpdesk support, computer support, and consulting to small and medium-sized businesses.

Net Neutrality is Perpetually In Limbo

Net Neutrality is Perpetually In Limbo

Net neutrality has been a hotly debated issue for years, with regulations frequently changing based on political shifts. Recently, the 6th Circuit Court of Appeals struck down the Federal Communications Commission's (FCC) latest net neutrality policy, setting progress back significantly.

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The Technology Behind the Iconic New Years Ball

The Technology Behind the Iconic New Years Ball

The New Year brings a sense of renewal—a chance to start fresh and set intentions for the year ahead. It’s also a time for cherished traditions, none more iconic than the famous Times Square Ball Drop. As millions watch the illuminated ball descend, signaling the countdown to midnight, few realize the rich history and technological evolution behind this beloved custom.

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These Workplace Stretches Can Take the Tension Out of Your Workday

These Workplace Stretches Can Take the Tension Out of Your Workday

Taking care of your technology is vitally important, and that’s something that we as a managed service provider will always espouse, but the truth is that your technology is only as effective as the people using it. Therefore, you should make sure to take proper care of your team, too, and one way you can do this is by sharing these workplace stretches with them. The right stretches can improve physical health, which in turn improves other aspects of their lives—including their work.

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Today’s IT Facts Were Inspired by Fictional Technology

Today’s IT Facts Were Inspired by Fictional Technology

When the minds that gave birth to classic science fiction technology first introduced it to the world, there was no way they could have seen a future where their ideas could be considered a reality. However, the ideas introduced in pop culture have inspired the brains of today to achieve great, and sometimes bizarre, things with technology.

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Tip of the Week: How to Prepare for (and Prevent) Remote Ship-Jumping

Tip of the Week: How to Prepare for (and Prevent) Remote Ship-Jumping

Remote work is a lot harder than it sounds, which took many workers by surprise when lockdowns suddenly made working from home the safest way for many companies to operate. As weeks and months have passed, there has been a growing tendency for these newly-remote workers to (putting it mildly) explore their other employment options… something that doesn’t bode well for your operations.

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How Comment Sections Can Be Cleaned Up with AI

How Comment Sections Can Be Cleaned Up with AI

There are theoretically countless ways that artificial intelligence can have practical applications. One that you may not have initially considered: as a content filter for Internet comments. With trolling, spamming, and other misuse of these platforms getting far out of hand, let’s consider how some platforms are using AI to fight back.

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Moving to a New Office? Keep These Six Considerations in Mind

Moving to a New Office? Keep These Six Considerations in Mind

Moving your business into a new workspace is an exciting, if complicated, process. This is why we felt it would be useful if we discussed a few of the many factors that you need to plan for next time you consider shifting to a different office space. If you are currently in the process of finding and transferring to a new location, here are six steps that you should follow.

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Make Work a Game with Gamification

Make Work a Game with Gamification

Finding ways to maximize productivity is typically high on a business owner’s to-do list. The problem is that often managers can’t find a way to effectively motivate their people into doing more. One proven way to get more out of your staff is to gamify their tasks. Let’s take a look at the practice. 

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No More Pencils, No More Books… Examining Technology in Education

No More Pencils, No More Books… Examining Technology in Education

While we typically write about matters that concern your business and its use of technology in this blog, we decided to do something a little different today. Someday in the not-so-distant future, today’s students will make up the workforce, and their educations are more shaped by technology than ever before. That’s why we wanted to examine the role technology plays in education (warts and all), to understand how it is impacting our youth.

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Let’s Buy a Computer, Part V

Let’s Buy a Computer, Part V

You should be well on your way to getting your new computer. We’ve gone over the processor, the memory, the storage, and the display, and should be confident about what you are looking for. For our final part of our computer buying guide, we are going to focus on topics that are important to mention, but maybe didn’t seem to fit in other parts of our guide.

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Let’s Buy a Computer, Part IV

Let’s Buy a Computer, Part IV

After you’ve got the machine’s core specifications worked out, you then have to turn your attention to your displays. In part four, we take a look at how you are going to broadcast the information from the computer, what you should know about modern displays, and what considerations you need to take.

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Deepfakes Make It Hard to Believe Your Eyes or Ears

Deepfakes Make It Hard to Believe Your Eyes or Ears

How would you feel if a video of you appeared online, saying things that you never actually said? While you may not be the one targeted by this kind of action, this situation is very real, thanks to a relatively recent development in machine learning and artificial intelligence. Known as “deepfakes,” these videos have made it crucial to examine media from a place of skepticism.

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Who Should Regulate Wearables?

Who Should Regulate Wearables?

Wearable technology, or “wearables”, have been around for decades, technically first becoming popular with Pulsar’s Calculator Wristwatch in the 1970s. Since then, our wearables have become much more capable, accumulating detailed profiles on us as we use them. This begs the question… who is in charge of regulating them?

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Getting a Better Understanding of Human Resources

Getting a Better Understanding of Human Resources

The Human Resources department is now a critical part of any workplace’s success, but there are most likely misconceptions about this department’s mission. Where did the idea of Human Resources come from, and how can technology be leveraged to assist in their duties?

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Is the Internet Changing Your Business as Drastically as it is the Publishing Industry?

Is the Internet Changing Your Business as Drastically as it is the Publishing Industry?

Publishers have long provided authors with outlets to share their work. However, just like many other industries, technology has changed publishing over the years. Is this a positive change, and are there lessons that the modern business owner can learn from this shift in the way technology is handled and managed?

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Arguably the Most Important Computer in Star Wars

b2ap3_thumbnail_death_star_may_the_fourth_400.jpgToday is known the world over as Star Wars Day (May the 4th be with you). We want to take this opportunity to look at the technology of one of our favorite movie franchises. Given how much exciting technology there is in the fictional Star Wars universe, picking just one technology can be difficult. Since we work with computers, let’s look at one of the most important computers in the film, the X-wing targeting computer.

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Challenge: Can You Go a Single Day Without Your Phone?

b2ap3_thumbnail_smartphone_addiction_400.jpgYou’re at an important lunch meeting when your phone goes off. Do you answer it? It might be a prospective client responding to an email, or it might be an employee needing help. Smartphones might have made every other aspect of business more mobile, including communication; but now, thanks to the power of science, we know that smartphones are indisputably bad for our personal relationships.

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Watch Simon Pierro, the “Wizard of iOS,” Perform Digital Magic Miracles [VIDEO]

b2ap3_thumbnail_tricks_using_an_ipad_400.jpgWe all need a little magic in our lives now and again. For some, this means card tricks, or optical illusions that are designed to trick the eye into seeing something that isn’t there. For German magician Simon Pierro, dubbed the “Wizard of iOS,” it means taking a piece of consumer technology and turning it into a catalyst for his magic acts.

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Europe’s Great Debate: The Right to Be Forgotten

b2ap3_thumbnail_do_you_have_the_right_to_be_forgotten_400.jpgOne of the hot topics in recent news is a concept in European courts about the "right to be forgotten." The ruling, passed in May 2014, suggests that search engines must consider requests for removal of content that is, according to ZDNet, "inadequate, irrelevant, or no longer relevant." In some circles, this ruling is seen as controversial.

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Crowdfunding Done Right: Make Money (and Potato Salad) with Crowdfunding

b2ap3_thumbnail_kickstarter_potato_salad_400.jpgWhen trying to raise money for a big startup or product release, it can often be outside of your budget. One solution is crowdfunding, or taking your endeavors public in order to inspire others to donate money to your cause. Unfortunately (or fortunately - take your pick), not many of these campaigns succeed.

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About Business Solutions & Software Group

Business Solutions & Software Group has been serving the South Florida area since 1997, providing IT Support such as technical helpdesk support, computer support and consulting to small and medium-sized businesses. Our experience has allowed us to build and develop the infrastructure needed to keep our prices affordable and our clients up and running.

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Business Solutions & Software Group is proud to announce the launch of our new website at The goal of the new website is to make it easier for our existing clients to submit and manage support requests, and provide more information about our services for ...

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10211 W Sample Road Suite 114
Coral Springs, Florida 33065

Mon to Fri 9:00am to 6:00pm

(954) 575-3992