Business Solutions & Software Group Blog

Business Solutions & Software Group Blog

Business Solutions & Software Group has been serving the Coral Springs area since 1997, providing IT Support such as technical helpdesk support, computer support, and consulting to small and medium-sized businesses.

What Should Your Business Commit to Its Cybersecurity Protections?

What Should Your Business Commit to Its Cybersecurity Protections?

How much your business should spend on cybersecurity largely depends on a variety of factors, and you cannot lump yourself in with just any other business. The same IT budget will go to different lengths for different businesses. Your typical small business, for example, will not need the same level of security as a serious mega-corporation. But this doesn’t diminish the importance of cybersecurity spending; we’ll tell you why.

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Shouldn’t Consumers Know the End of Life Date of Connected Devices?

Shouldn’t Consumers Know the End of Life Date of Connected Devices?

In the grocery store, we’re given the estimated date that the food we’re buying will turn, helping us to make more informed decisions about what we are purchasing and the quality therein. Wouldn’t it be nice if the same could be said about the technology our businesses rely on?

Well, moves are being made to establish this as the standard in tech as well.

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Let’s Take the Lid Off of CAPTCHA

Let’s Take the Lid Off of CAPTCHA

We've officially reached the point where humans have to prove they're, well, human just to access websites. One of the most common ways to do this? CAPTCHA. CAPTCHA stands for Completely Automated Public Turing test to tell Computers and Humans Apart. It might sound long-winded, but the idea is simple. Computers still struggle to crack these tests, making them a solid way to block bots. But why exactly do they work so well?

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Know Your Rights; Protecting Your Devices and Your Identity from Law Enforcement

Know Your Rights; Protecting Your Devices and Your Identity from Law Enforcement

Our phones, laptops, smart home devices, and even our cars are packed with data about our lives. But what happens when law enforcement wants access to that information? Whether you're an individual just trying to keep your personal data safe or a business owner handling customer information, here’s what you need to know.

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Automation Isn’t Always the Best Business Option

Automation Isn’t Always the Best Business Option

Automation makes sense from an operations standpoint, and people see this despite the many who advocate for scaling back to save jobs. For every task that can be completed, however, less than half can be automated. When you consider all the tasks that a human might be responsible for at their job, that number further dwindles, resulting in surprisingly few jobs that can be fully automated by artificial intelligence. Today, we want to look at reasons why you shouldn’t implement automation for certain tasks and why working with humans is still the right call for many.

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