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Business Solutions & Software Group Blog

Business Solutions & Software Group has been serving the Coral Springs area since 2005, providing IT Support such as technical helpdesk support, computer support, and consulting to small and medium-sized businesses.

At Long Last, Windows 7 Users Have to Switch to Windows 10

At Long Last, Windows 7 Users Have to Switch to Windows 10

It wasn’t too terribly long ago that Windows 10 was offered for free to users of Windows 7 and Windows 8.1. While this offer was constrained to a limited time, the response was surprisingly stagnant. Why didn’t more people jump at the chance to snag the latest version of the operating system - especially when it would come at no cost to them?

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Do Not Let Disaster Devastate Your Business

Do Not Let Disaster Devastate Your Business

Plan: NOUN
1. A detailed proposal for doing or achieving something.

We’ve all heard or maybe even used the expression “That didn’t go as planned”. More often than not, a well-designed and implemented disaster recovery goes as planned, but do you really want to wager your entire business without doing any sort of testing? 

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Let’s Buy a Computer, Part V

Let’s Buy a Computer, Part V

You should be well on your way to getting your new computer. We’ve gone over the processor, the memory, the storage, and the display, and should be confident about what you are looking for. For our final part of our computer buying guide, we are going to focus on topics that are important to mention, but maybe didn’t seem to fit in other parts of our guide.

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Let’s Buy a Computer, Part IV

Let’s Buy a Computer, Part IV

After you’ve got the machine’s core specifications worked out, you then have to turn your attention to your displays. In part four, we take a look at how you are going to broadcast the information from the computer, what you should know about modern displays, and what considerations you need to take.

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Let’s Buy a Computer, Part III

Let’s Buy a Computer, Part III

Most modern gadgets have several different options for storage space, including both internal and external storage. However, the amount of space you’ll need on any given device will depend on various factors. It’s critical that you take these factors into account when purchasing or building a new desktop or laptop.

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