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Business Solutions & Software Group Blog

Business Solutions & Software Group has been serving the Coral Springs area since 2005, providing IT Support such as technical helpdesk support, computer support, and consulting to small and medium-sized businesses.

Do You Know How Much Bandwidth You Need? Here’s How to Find Out

Do You Know How Much Bandwidth You Need? Here’s How to Find Out

Small businesses depend on a reliable Internet connection to remain competitive, and without the appropriate bandwidth, staff productivity and communications can suffer. To keep your business from suffering from a lack of bandwidth, we recommend that you read today’s blog article which discusses the intricacies of bandwidth in business computing.

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Manufacturing Technology is Taking Strides

Manufacturing Technology is Taking Strides

Manufacturers have been one of the most notorious adopters of innovative technology, and this trend shows no signs of slowing down. If the goal is to use technology to reduce costs and improve operational efficiency, then of course manufacturers will look to implement it, especially when the cost of doing business is increasing. Let’s look at some of the ways the latest technology has helped manufacturers over time.

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Just Why is It that the Printer Always Seems Broken?

Just Why is It that the Printer Always Seems Broken?

Printers…we love to hate them, particularly when they start presenting operational issues. I mean, come on…it has one job, and it can hardly do that half the time. But why is that?

Let’s dive into what causes this phenomenon.

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New Technology Is Often Bloated

New Technology Is Often Bloated

Imagine this scenario: you have just purchased a new computer, and you boot it up all excited to get right into setting it up, only to find that it is extremely slow and bogged down by all kinds of applications you didn’t know were pre-installed on it. This type of unwanted software can be a problem, especially for businesses when they want to get their new technology up and running as soon as possible.

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Remote Help Desk Support Can Cut Down on Downtime

Remote Help Desk Support Can Cut Down on Downtime

Downtime can be deadly to a business in excess, and it is an unfortunate reality that businesses with poor technology maintenance practices experience more downtime than others. The more often your technology breaks down, the more you spend in wasted time and reactive maintenance, so it’s a best practice to take care of your technology before it becomes a liability. One tried and true way to do so is with some help from an outsourced provider to aid your help desk.

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