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Business Solutions & Software Group Blog

Business Solutions & Software Group has been serving the Coral Springs area since 2005, providing IT Support such as technical helpdesk support, computer support, and consulting to small and medium-sized businesses.

Let’s Buy a Computer, Part II

Let’s Buy a Computer, Part II

The second part of our desktop buying guide will focus on RAM, or random-access memory. Many users might not understand the importance of this, or they might have the impression that memory is the same thing as the amount of data your computer stores, which is certainly not true. The truth is that understanding RAM will have a major impact on the way you purchase devices. We’ll help you determine the best options for your device.

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Let’s Buy a Computer, Part I

Let’s Buy a Computer, Part I

Buying a new computer can be exciting, but when you are buying computers for your business, finding the most cost-effective machine that also fits your operational and budgetary needs can  be difficult. Today, we will start our five-part business computing series by looking at CPU options.

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Dire Days Ahead for Huawei

Dire Days Ahead for Huawei

As the world’s top telecom supplier and a major phone manufacturer, Huawei has been placed in a precarious situation due to its close ties with China’s government. In response to potential spying allegations, many countries have banned the use of the Chinese company’s networking equipment, throwing a wrench in the manufacturer’s plans to become an even bigger global force in the telecom industry.

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Seven Solutions to Boost Your Business Communications

Seven Solutions to Boost Your Business Communications

Communication is a key business need, and as such, there are a variety of solutions devoted to improving your business’ communications strategy in some way, shape, or form. Here, we’ll go over these solutions, and discuss why they aren’t really “options,” but actually requirements for today’s business.

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Less than Six Months Left for Windows 7

Less than Six Months Left for Windows 7

Microsoft Windows is a common sight in the modern office, but no matter how great the solution, it will eventually grow outdated and require updates in order to maintain security and efficiency. Businesses often have trouble adjusting to Windows End of Life events, and with a major one just around the corner for Windows 7 and Windows Server 2008 R2, you need to consider moving away from these solutions if you haven’t done so already.

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