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Business Solutions & Software Group Blog

Business Solutions & Software Group has been serving the Coral Springs area since 2005, providing IT Support such as technical helpdesk support, computer support, and consulting to small and medium-sized businesses.

Deepfakes Can Create a Lot of Security Problems

Deepfakes Can Create a Lot of Security Problems

Would you believe us if we told you that the maps we have grown up looking at are remarkably skewed? That pull-down map in the front of every elementary school classroom probably wasn’t to scale, for one reason or another. Modern technology can make it possible for hackers to skew satellite imaging, and this could very well be used in the cybercrime avenue in the future. The developing technology of deepfake images could bring about a whole new type of threat.

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Let’s Look at Some Excellent Business Communication Tools

Let’s Look at Some Excellent Business Communication Tools

Communication tools are one of the cornerstones of any successful office. While you surely leverage certain communication tools, there are others on the market that might be great investments for your organization. Let’s examine some of the many business communication solutions that your company can leverage to its advantage.

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Workstations Can Come Several Different Ways

Workstations Can Come Several Different Ways

For companies that depend on their computing, the workstation plays an important role. The problem with them is that spending big money on computers that are used for general productivity is not cost effective, but if they don’t have the computing power needed to successfully run the software that your company uses, they won’t do you any good. Today, we will talk a bit about hardware considerations you will need to make when choosing workstation hardware, and the cloud-hosted options that may be a good option for your business. 

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3 Ways Small Businesses Can Leverage Artificial Intelligence

3 Ways Small Businesses Can Leverage Artificial Intelligence

When you see the words “artificial intelligence,” what runs through your mind? Some imagine warehouses full of machines pulling items from shelves for order fulfillment, whereas others imagine server rooms operating at maximum capacity. The truth of the matter is that both of these scenarios are correct, depending on the type of organization and industry you’re talking about. Let’s take a look at how artificial intelligence can cut costs, improve operations, and eliminate unnecessary or repetitive tasks for the small business.

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Have a Professional Wipe Your Device Before Recycling It

Have a Professional Wipe Your Device Before Recycling It

No matter how new a device is, the unfortunate truth is that it will not last forever. Eventually, you will need to replace your device; the question then becomes what you do with your old technology. While you could just throw it in the trash, this is not only wasteful but also a security risk. In order to protect both your personal data and the environment, you must go through the proper channels to make sure that e-waste gets properly disposed of.

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