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Business Solutions & Software Group Blog

Business Solutions & Software Group has been serving the Coral Springs area since 2005, providing IT Support such as technical helpdesk support, computer support, and consulting to small and medium-sized businesses.

Before you Buy VoIP, Evaluate Your Network

Before you Buy VoIP, Evaluate Your Network

Certain useful business technologies, like VoIP, screen-sharing, and webinar platforms, require a lot out of your Internet connection. This means that you need to be sure that you have sufficient bandwidth to support these solutions. Today, we’re taking a look at how your business relies on having the appropriate bandwidth to support your operations, and how to find out if it does.

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5 Benefits Your Business Could See from IoT Technology

5 Benefits Your Business Could See from IoT Technology

There are certain technologies that - despite some issues that should be seriously considered - are inarguably useful to a business and its operations. One such technology is the notorious IoT, or Internet of Things. With the right preparation, the IoT can provide your business with a few advantages and benefits. Let’s review some of them.

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The World is Going Mobile

The World is Going Mobile

Smartphones are a big part of modern society. Just go to any place where people congregate and look around, you’ll see what we are talking about. Businesses have finally begun to realize that they can’t do anything about people bringing their smartphones into the office, so they have instead begun to alter their strategies on how to manage these devices. Let’s take a brief look at the modern smartphone and see just how much people are depending on their mobile devices. 

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Why Every Business (But Especially Yours) Should Leverage Modern IT

Why Every Business (But Especially Yours) Should Leverage Modern IT

More businesses with fewer than 100 employees are planning to adopt new technologies than aren’t, according to the 2020 State of IT report released by Spiceworks. If you aren’t among them, there are a few reasons that you should be. Here, we’ll review those reasons, to give you a few points to think about as you consider your use of technology. 

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How Augmented Reality Could Shift the Workplace Forward

How Augmented Reality Could Shift the Workplace Forward

Augmented reality is a technology that has been around for a while, and has been thought of as one of the “next big things” for the past few years. AR almost broke out of obscurity with the development of Google Glass earlier in the decade, but with well-founded security and privacy concerns that come with providing the technology that makes AR possible, the market dropped out. That’s not to say that AR is done, however. In fact, it seems as with the growth of new technologies, AR is also beginning to grow.

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