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Business Solutions & Software Group Blog

Business Solutions & Software Group has been serving the Coral Springs area since 2005, providing IT Support such as technical helpdesk support, computer support, and consulting to small and medium-sized businesses.

6 Apps to Help You Know What Your Competition is Up To

b2ap3_thumbnail_track_your_competition_400.jpgHave you ever wondered how your competitors are doing but haven't gotten up the nerve to ask them yourself? With these six apps, you’ll be able to keep track of what other people are saying about your competitors, as well as what they are saying about you.

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Backing Up Your Data Keeps Your Technology In Tip-Top Shape

b2ap3_thumbnail_backup_for_it_utopia_400.jpgFor eons, the human species has sought to improve efficiency through the integration of new innovative technologies. We always push toward the bright new future, a garden filled with shimmering hardware and the sweet, sweet smell of silicon. Everything is running smoothly, just like music, until you hear a note that doesn’t belong. Instead of a chorus of heavenly angels serenading you as you open the door to your server room, you hear the sound of failure; hardware failure, to be specific; and it’s not pretty.

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Connectify Turns Your PC Into a WiFi Hotspot [VIDEO]

b2ap3_thumbnail_wifi_hotspot_virtual_router_400.jpgDo you need a WiFi signal? If you’ve got a PC with a wireless card, then you’ve got what it takes to download Connectify and turn your PC into a WiFi hotspot. These days, with everyone being so dependent on WiFi, having an additional WiFi hotspot can come in handy.

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Why Your Team Should Have A Basic Understanding of Technology

b2ap3_thumbnail_troubleshoot_your_own_pc_issues_400.jpgWhat separates the average PC user from the IT technician who routinely takes care of your technology issues? In essence, the only difference is the amount of technical training. Our years of technical expertise have given us the ability to diagnose and resolve varieties of problems, but we don’t hold our knowledge close to the chest. Rather, we want to share it with you.

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Has Performance for Consumer PCs Finally Peaked?

b2ap3_thumbnail_moores_law_2015_400.jpgThe world was vastly different in 1965. The smooth, compact smartphones and laptops of today were nonexistent, and civilization was on the verge of experiencing a revolution of technological growth and advancement. This is all thanks to Moore’s law, which paved the way toward making technology smaller and more easily accessible for both end users and businesses.

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