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Michael DeMarco

Business Solutions & Software Group has been serving the Coral Springs area since 2005, providing IT Support such as technical helpdesk support, computer support, and consulting to small and medium-sized businesses.

Support Tech that has servered South Florida for 16 years helping our customers grow through the use of technology and streamline process changes weather it be from simple hardware implementation, software recommendations or custom software applications.

Tip of the Week: Optimize Security By Disabling Browser-Based Password Management

Tip of the Week: Optimize Security By Disabling Browser-Based Password Management

Most users these days have so many passwords that just about any tool that helps them keep them all in check could be considered a good thing. Web browsers come with this technology built-in, but unfortunately, this convenience often comes at a cost. Are these built-in tools as secure as they are supposed to be, or are you better off looking into better alternatives?

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How To Create Business Continuity for Your Organization

How To Create Business Continuity for Your Organization

No one likes to imagine the worst-case scenario, but it’s important for businesses to put themselves in the shoes of an organization that has everything to lose. What would happen if you suddenly experienced a data loss disaster, or worse, a complete and total shutdown of operations? If you don’t have a plan in place, you will certainly wish you did. Let’s talk about how to make that happen.

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New Patent from Microsoft Suggests Stress Can Not Only Be Predicted, but Prevented in the Workplace

New Patent from Microsoft Suggests Stress Can Not Only Be Predicted, but Prevented in the Workplace

Workplace stress has become a key issue in today’s business environment, and many studies have been performed to demonstrate why there has been such an increase, as well as what can be done to stymie its impact. Microsoft has recently filed a patent to show how seriously this issue must be taken. While it’s good to see the tech company invested in resolving this issue, one has to wonder whether the help of a new technology solution is necessary in identifying stressors in their workplace environment.

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3 Ways Small Businesses Can Leverage Artificial Intelligence

3 Ways Small Businesses Can Leverage Artificial Intelligence

When you see the words “artificial intelligence,” what runs through your mind? Some imagine warehouses full of machines pulling items from shelves for order fulfillment, whereas others imagine server rooms operating at maximum capacity. The truth of the matter is that both of these scenarios are correct, depending on the type of organization and industry you’re talking about. Let’s take a look at how artificial intelligence can cut costs, improve operations, and eliminate unnecessary or repetitive tasks for the small business.

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What Can Businesses Learn from the Colonial Pipeline Ransomware Attack?

What Can Businesses Learn from the Colonial Pipeline Ransomware Attack?

The recent hack of Colonial Pipeline has led to no shortage of problems, chief among them gasoline shortages all across the east coast of the United States. The pipeline’s operations may have been restored, but the question still remains: what could have been done to stop it, what can we learn from this incident, and what changes can we expect to see as a result?

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