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Business Solutions & Software Group Blog

Business Solutions & Software Group has been serving the Coral Springs area since 2005, providing IT Support such as technical helpdesk support, computer support, and consulting to small and medium-sized businesses.

There’s Psychology Behind the Scams We Have to Avoid

There’s Psychology Behind the Scams We Have to Avoid

Psychology, the systematic examination of the mind and behavior, can offer profound insights into optimal actions for your company. From crafting compelling client messages to building a strategy of team motivation to better meet your organizational goals, this understanding has a lot to offer your organization.

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Protect Your Business from Browser-Based Malware Attacks

Protect Your Business from Browser-Based Malware Attacks

Technology plays an important role in today’s society, and as such, cyberthreats look to subvert everyone’s reliance on it to their own benefit. Browser hijacking attacks are on the rise, so we thought we’d focus today’s blog on exploring some of the techniques used in these types of attacks and how small or medium-sized businesses can keep themselves safe.

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Gain the Upper Hand in Cybersecurity with These 6 Tools

Gain the Upper Hand in Cybersecurity with These 6 Tools

Cyberthreats are everywhere in today’s business landscape. To thwart this omnipresent issue, organizations invest heavily in cybersecurity solutions and professionals who can get the most out of them. This is made all the more important by threats that are constantly evolving to subvert security measures. Today, we want to discuss some of the most important security tools your business can implement to keep itself as safe as possible from potential attacks.

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Think You Have Cybersecurity Covered? These 4 Solutions Are a Must

Think You Have Cybersecurity Covered? These 4 Solutions Are a Must

With so many dangers lurking on the Internet, it’s no small wonder that cybersecurity is an absolute must for all kinds of businesses these days, big or small. It can be challenging to know what you need to do to protect your business, though, which is why we work to promote awareness of security best practices for SMBs. Let’s go over some of the most effective ways you can secure your organization today.

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Remote and Hybrid Workers Increase the Need for Encryption

Remote and Hybrid Workers Increase the Need for Encryption

A lot of businesses have been building out more flexible work conditions for their staff. This is mostly due to employee demand grown from COVID-era remote work. As more leeway is given and more people are able to work remotely, businesses have an issue they have to confront: data security in transit. 

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Four Steps Toward a More Secure Network

Four Steps Toward a More Secure Network

The more your business depends on its technology, the more problems with cybersecurity can derail all the good things you have going on. Today, businesses are more susceptible than ever to hackers and scammers that want to gain access to their network to deploy malware, siphon information, and more. Let’s discuss four points of emphasis every business needs to secure their network and infrastructure. 

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Security Training Doesn’t Have to Be Hard, but It Does Have to Be Serious

Security Training Doesn’t Have to Be Hard, but It Does Have to Be Serious

The irritating thing about security is that you can implement the best solutions on the market and still find yourself lacking due to one thing: your employees’ actions. If your team isn’t trained to protect your network, then they are adding more opportunities for hackers to infiltrate your systems. Let’s discuss how you can train your team on security best practices.

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USB Drives are Too Big of a Risk for Your Business to Take

USB Drives are Too Big of a Risk for Your Business to Take

How often do you find random USB flash drives while you’re cleaning up your office? Even with cloud storage as common as it is, there are still times and places for USB drives, so it’s not uncommon to find them out and about. The problem, however, is that you don’t know what’s on them until you plug them in… and depending on the contents, you might be in for a world of trouble.

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Choosing the Right Security Tools Protects Your Business Assets

Choosing the Right Security Tools Protects Your Business Assets

You invest in the things you care about, things like your business. You want to make sure that you are doing all that you can to protect it from harm. Let’s take a look at some of the approaches you might take to secure your business from threats, as well as what you should look for in each solution that you might consider.

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Cybercriminals Can Be More Organized than You Think

Cybercriminals Can Be More Organized than You Think

When you picture cybercrime, what goes through your mind? Do you see a hacker in a dark hoodie sitting in the corner of a room with lines of code furiously buzzing across the computer screen? If so, we have some news for you; cybercrime is anything but this perception. Let’s examine organized cybercrime and why it’s important for your business to take its growth into a full-blown industry seriously.

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Enhancing Your Organization’s Email Security Is a Good Plan

Enhancing Your Organization’s Email Security Is a Good Plan

Email plays a critical role in the communications infrastructure of any business, and therefore it is extremely important to shore up its defenses so hackers cannot take advantage of it as an outlet into your network. It’s true that most businesses don’t understand just how important email security is, and if it’s not addressed, it could be quite costly for your organization.

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The Value of Getting Professionals to Handle Your Cybersecurity

The Value of Getting Professionals to Handle Your Cybersecurity

Adept (noun): someone who is a professional at a given task, possesses knowledge needed to be successful in completing said task.

While this level of skill is important to cultivate in all aspects of business, it is perhaps most important where cybersecurity is involved. Let’s go over a few practices you can adopt and adjust to improve your business’ network security—specifically, in terms of bringing professional-level expertise on for assistance.

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3 Reasons Cybersecurity is Extremely Important

3 Reasons Cybersecurity is Extremely Important

Today’s blog might seem a bit simple, and that’s because it is. Your network security is going to play a huge part in the operations and functionality of your business, whether you realize it or not. In fact, your network security might be the only thing keeping your business in proper working order. We’re going to discuss some of the less-obvious reasons why security is beneficial for businesses like yours.

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3 Cybersecurity Tools You Need to Consider

3 Cybersecurity Tools You Need to Consider

Network security can be challenging for businesses, but it doesn’t have to be. By following some simple practices, you can level up your security measures considerably, without investing a ton of time, effort, or resources into it. Here are three ways you can improve your business’ security practices without breaking the bank.

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Exploring the Benefit of a CISO

Exploring the Benefit of a CISO

With cybercrime more prevalent than ever, the importance of keeping your business protected cannot be overstated. In fact, it is so important that there’s a C-suite level role dedicated to it: the Chief Information Security Officer—the CISO. While such a position is fairly common amongst enterprise organizations, smaller businesses might not be able to implement this role in their own hierarchy… at least, not without assistance.

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MosaicLoader Is Being Used to Authorize Hacker Access

MosaicLoader Is Being Used to Authorize Hacker Access

While some threats don’t waste any time when they install themselves on your devices, like ransomware and malware, others tend to lurk in the background on your device and cause problems without being detected. A threat called MosaicLoader is one such threat, and it’s a pretty serious issue for businesses.

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Examining Today’s Cybersecurity to Prepare for 2022

Examining Today’s Cybersecurity to Prepare for 2022

The past few years have been nothing if not tumultuous for businesses of all shapes and sizes, which has only exacerbated the shifting terrain we’d expect to see in a business’ cybersecurity needs and threats. Let’s take a few moments to examine what 2022’s cybersecurity landscape is likely to look like, considering what we’ve seen recently.

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Like Businesses, Hackers are Using AI to Their Advantage

Like Businesses, Hackers are Using AI to Their Advantage

Artificial intelligence, also known as AI, is already used in certain industries, like cybersecurity and automation, but hackers have quickly found out that they too can leverage AI to their advantage. With cybercrime on the rise, it’s expected that AI will play a role in the cybersecurity landscape to come. Let’s take a closer look at some of these trends.

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The Time You Invest in Your Cybersecurity Pays Off

The Time You Invest in Your Cybersecurity Pays Off

We know that cybersecurity isn’t the most interesting topic in the world, especially for a small business owner, this doesn’t diminish its importance. If you fail to adequately protect your business, even a low-profile SMB can fall victim to a cyber threat. It’s your job as the business owner and thought leader to make sure this doesn’t happen.

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AI Security Can Work Wonders to Thwart Threats

AI Security Can Work Wonders to Thwart Threats

When it comes to network security, businesses need all the edges they can get, especially since cybersecurity as an industry is one which is rapidly adjusting and responding to various threats, as well as their responses to those security measures. One way in which security researchers have attempted to subvert this security rat race is through artificial intelligence measures, a trend that promises to change the way businesses protect themselves for the better.

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