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Michael DeMarco

Business Solutions & Software Group has been serving the Coral Springs area since 2005, providing IT Support such as technical helpdesk support, computer support, and consulting to small and medium-sized businesses.

Support Tech that has servered South Florida for 16 years helping our customers grow through the use of technology and streamline process changes weather it be from simple hardware implementation, software recommendations or custom software applications.

5 of the Best Google Easter Eggs You Never Knew Were Real

b2ap3_thumbnail_google_easter_eggs_400.jpgAs the world’s most popular search engine, Google has been known as an innovator for a long time. Google’s worldwide popularity has even turned its name into a verb: “to google,” or to search for something using Google. Despite its rather prestigious reputation, the developers at Google still know how to have a good time, as evidenced by their wide array of hidden Easter eggs.

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Tip of the Week: How to Take Advantage of a Password Manager

b2ap3_thumbnail_password_management_400.jpgHave you ever been prompted to change your password, then forgotten what the new one was twenty seconds later? Changing passwords consistently is a good practice, but let’s face it; unless you have them put away somewhere, you are probably going to forget about them at least once (unless you use a post-it note on your monitor, which is never a good idea). Additionally, if passwords are short and easily guessable, you risk being targeted by a phishing attack or other hacking attack.

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Unsent IE Error Reports Turn Up in the Most Shocking of Places!

b2ap3_thumbnail_ie_reports_found_400.jpgMicrosoft’s Internet Explorer is one of the most widely used web browsers, despite the fact that it has a tendency to crash from time to time. In order to improve the product and prevent future bugs, glitches, and crashes, IE creates an error report after every crash. Most of these reports go unsent, or so Microsoft thought.

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World Backup Day is Upon Us: How Do You Backup Your Data?

b2ap3_thumbnail_world_backup_day_2_400.jpgA quick scan of the past year’s headlines will show that a data-loss scenario resulting from a hack can unexpectedly hit any business, big or small. Your company needs to have a data backup solution in place, and it’s imperative that backups are taken regularly. Has it been awhile since you last backed up your data?

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3 Warning Signs That Can Reveal Your IT Staff’s True Colors

b2ap3_thumbnail_employee_true_colors_400.jpgYour IT staff deals with your technology on a daily basis, and that same technology is necessary for your company’s survival. In a sense, your IT staff holds the future of your business in their hands. This tremendous responsibility demands a certain level of trust from the business owner, but sometimes they might have other ulterior motives in mind. How can you tell if you’re being fooled by your IT staff?

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