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Michael DeMarco

Business Solutions & Software Group has been serving the Coral Springs area since 2005, providing IT Support such as technical helpdesk support, computer support, and consulting to small and medium-sized businesses.

Support Tech that has servered South Florida for 16 years helping our customers grow through the use of technology and streamline process changes weather it be from simple hardware implementation, software recommendations or custom software applications.

The Public Cloud is an Excellent Alternative to the Private Cloud for SMBs

The Public Cloud is an Excellent Alternative to the Private Cloud for SMBs

What kind of cloud service does your business use, if it uses the cloud? There are private clouds, hosted and maintained on-site, and public clouds, where an external business will host and provide it on a subscription basis. While there are certain scenarios in which a private cloud is quite valuable, today, we want to focus the discussion on the more common of the two: the public cloud.

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How to Implement VoIP with Confidence

How to Implement VoIP with Confidence

Voice over Internet Protocol, or VoIP, is a powerful communications platform that can help your business save money and improve operations. However, an unprepared business might find its network not optimized for VoIP, resulting in lesser results than expected. Let’s review some potential hangups your business could encounter when implementing VoIP.

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Tip of the Week: Four Tips to Practice Better Password Security

Tip of the Week: Four Tips to Practice Better Password Security

These days, you cannot simply rely on passwords to keep your data safe. That said, a good password is significantly better than a bad one, and you need all the help you can get to keep your accounts safe from cyberattacks. Here are some tips to help you create better passwords for all of your credentials.

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Four Ways to Keep Your Tech Clean

Four Ways to Keep Your Tech Clean

All things considered, our devices take a beating during their everyday use. We must do our part to protect them from dirt, grime, germs, and dust. While it’s not the sexiest task in the world, it is no doubt a practice that can prolong the lifespan of your devices. Let’s look at four easy ways you can get more out of your devices through cleanliness.

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Get Started with Managed Services with These Three Questions

Get Started with Managed Services with These Three Questions

When you sign up with an outsourced IT provider to take advantage of managed services for your business, you understandably take a significant risk. You are trusting another company with your business’ most precious assets and data, and you need to do all you can to make the right choice for your company’s future. Thankfully, you can get a pretty good idea of how a managed service provider will work with you just by asking three simple questions.

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10211 W Sample Road
Suite 114
Coral Springs, Florida 33065

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