Business Solutions & Software Group Blog

Business Solutions & Software Group Blog

Business Solutions & Software Group has been serving the Coral Springs area since 1997, providing IT Support such as technical helpdesk support, computer support, and consulting to small and medium-sized businesses.

When Working from Home, Your Conditions are Important

When Working from Home, Your Conditions are Important

With recent and ongoing world events being what they are with COVID-19 in play, many companies have been forced to find the benefits of remote operations as much as they can. While proper technology is crucial to do this effectively, it is equally important that your team keep some other important considerations in mind… not so much what they’re working on, but how they’re doing so.

We’ll explain.

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Cut Printing Costs by Digitizing Your Files

Cut Printing Costs by Digitizing Your Files

Many businesses will be looking to cut costs as the COVID-19 crisis heads into its second full month in the east. One way that businesses can cut a few dollars off the budget is to finally phase out their wasteful printing practices and adopt a more streamlined paperless strategy. Today, we will go over some tips to help you start moving away from the cost and headache of the printer.

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Why a Routine Approach to Work is a Good Thing

Why a Routine Approach to Work is a Good Thing

When it comes to business efficiency, setting up a fixed process can have significant benefits, which helps explain why many tend to naturally fall into a routine in the workplace. This applies doubly so when working from home too. Let’s go over why routines can be so helpful, and how to consciously build a beneficial one.

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Redundancy is Everything in a Disaster

Redundancy is Everything in a Disaster

We are used to hearing “redundant” used as a non-complimentary term, so it can be off-putting to hear how you want to make sure that your backups are redundant in case of a disaster. With March 31st being World Backup Day we want to talk about how important redundancy is important, especially in the midst of a considerable disaster event like the one we are doing today.

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Security Has to Be At the Top of Every Healthcare Provider’s List

Security Has to Be At the Top of Every Healthcare Provider’s List

With thousands of people exposed to the COVID-19 Coronavirus and millions more under quarantine, the healthcare industry is on red alert at the moment. Just a short time ago they were worried about another virus: Bluekeep.

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Moving to a New Office? Keep These Six Considerations in Mind

Moving to a New Office? Keep These Six Considerations in Mind

Moving your business into a new workspace is an exciting, if complicated, process. This is why we felt it would be useful if we discussed a few of the many factors that you need to plan for next time you consider shifting to a different office space. If you are currently in the process of finding and transferring to a new location, here are six steps that you should follow.

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Data Recovery Isn’t Just for Disasters

Data Recovery Isn’t Just for Disasters

While the name “data recovery solution” might seem to explain everything there is to know about that particular piece of a business’ infrastructure, many organizations may underestimate just how useful this particular component can be. Here, we plan to fix that.

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Make Work a Game with Gamification

Make Work a Game with Gamification

Finding ways to maximize productivity is typically high on a business owner’s to-do list. The problem is that often managers can’t find a way to effectively motivate their people into doing more. One proven way to get more out of your staff is to gamify their tasks. Let’s take a look at the practice. 

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How to Take Advantage of Automation in Your Business

How to Take Advantage of Automation in Your Business

With the sheer number of processes needed to keep a business of any size running smoothly, it is no wonder that automation is as popular as it is. Fortunately, automation doesn’t have to be difficult to implement. Let’s go over a few simple ways that you can use it to your advantage, and a few reasons why you might want to do so.

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Identifying the Value of Managed IT: Procurement

Identifying the Value of Managed IT: Procurement

One of the best things about information technology today is that it is frequently improved. However, this improvement makes it crucial that you keep up with these changes. A managed service provider can greatly assist you with these procurement needs. Here, in part five of our managed service value series, we’ll discuss how invaluable this assistance can be.

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Identifying the Value of Managed IT: Modern Data Solutions

Identifying the Value of Managed IT: Modern Data Solutions

There are many reasons that businesses today are adopting various managed IT services, if not electing for a comprehensive managed service agreement. One major reason is that working with a managed service provider allows businesses to do more concerning their data - whether that’s storing it, protecting it, or putting it to use. 

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Identifying the Value of Managed IT: Consulting Services

Identifying the Value of Managed IT: Consulting Services

There are many business processes that require an experienced touch… experience that you may not personally have. In this case, you’d typically call in someone who does. Why should your technology be any different? In part two of our five-part series, we’re examining how a managed service provider can serve as a valued consultant for your business’ needs.

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Best Practices for Your File Sharing and Collaboration Needs

Best Practices for Your File Sharing and Collaboration Needs

Today, a business accumulates a lot - a lot - of files as time passes, and for the most part, they all need to be stored somewhere. In addition to that, there’s a good chance that multiple people will need to remain involved with these files. These challenges can be resolved by adopting solutions devoted to file sharing and collaboration. To assist with this process, we’ve decided to share a few best practices that will help make your implementation much easier.

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Tip of the Week: Use Google Like a Pro

Tip of the Week: Use Google Like a Pro

Google Search is the most visited website on the Internet. It’s so popular the company’s name has turned into a verb. Most users just type their query in the Google text box and try to navigate the first page. Typically, there is something of use on that first page, but sometimes there isn’t. Today, we’d thought we’d give everyone a few tips on how to get the results you are looking for with your Google search queries. 

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Tip of the Week: How to Best Organize Your Computer Files

Tip of the Week: How to Best Organize Your Computer Files

Have you ever opened a file on your PC only to not be able to find what you are looking for because it’s an absolute mess? It has numerous file types, folders, and applications just sitting there providing absolutely no continuity. Well, today we’re going to help you out by giving you some tips on how to organize your files so that you can easily find what you are looking for and maneuver around your OS or cloud-based file storage efficiently.

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If You Aren’t Patching Your Systems, Any Breaches are On You

If You Aren’t Patching Your Systems, Any Breaches are On You

Everyone in a business has set responsibilities that they need to fulfill, one major one being proper security maintenance. A failure to uphold this responsibility could have serious consequences, including the very real potential of a security breach. It could be argued, in fact, that if you aren’t patching your systems, you’re inviting cybercriminals in.

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Tip of the Week: Simple Changes You Can Make to Make Work Easier

Tip of the Week: Simple Changes You Can Make to Make Work Easier

Waking up and going to work is the inevitable reality for billions of people, and sometimes people have a hard time acclimating to a new job. If that job is an office, there are some particular issues you will have to confront in order to get the most out of your time at work. Today, we look at five simple things you can do to make your life easier inside your office.

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Tip of the Week: Overcoming the Hurdles of New Solutions

Tip of the Week: Overcoming the Hurdles of New Solutions

As you have likely realized, the technology solutions that power your business today aren’t going to be effective forever. This means that you will at some point need to upgrade this technology - but this isn’t always as easy as it sounds. Here, we offer a few tips to help you make it over some of the hurdles that a change to your technology can bring.

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How to Restore Data You Didn’t Mean to Delete

How to Restore Data You Didn’t Mean to Delete

Whoops! Didn’t mean to delete that, did you? We’ve all found ourselves having accidentally deleted something important. Below, we’ll review how - with any luck - you might be able to restore this data.

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Tip of the Week: 5 Handy OneNote Features

Tip of the Week: 5 Handy OneNote Features

On the surface, Microsoft OneNote seems to be a pretty basic program - it’s just a quick place to jot notes, right? In actuality, OneNote offers functions far beyond that of a digital scratchpad. For this week’s tip, we’ll review some of these functions.

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About Business Solutions & Software Group

Business Solutions & Software Group has been serving the South Florida area since 1997, providing IT Support such as technical helpdesk support, computer support and consulting to small and medium-sized businesses. Our experience has allowed us to build and develop the infrastructure needed to keep our prices affordable and our clients up and running.

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10211 W Sample Road Suite 114
Coral Springs, Florida 33065

Mon to Fri 9:00am to 6:00pm

(954) 575-3992