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Business Solutions & Software Group Blog

Business Solutions & Software Group has been serving the Coral Springs area since 2005, providing IT Support such as technical helpdesk support, computer support, and consulting to small and medium-sized businesses.

Tip of the Week: Settle Music Debates Quickly With These 3 Song-Identifying Apps

b2ap3_thumbnail_listen_to_and_find_music_400.jpgSometimes you might hear a song on the radio that you want to look up later, but there’s one problem: you don’t know the song’s name or the artist. Thankfully, there are music apps for your smartphone that can identify these unknown songs.

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Tip of the Week: When Was the Last Time You Cleaned Your PC?

b2ap3_thumbnail_clean_your_pc_400.jpgA clean computer is one that you can rely on. Like all other kinds of technology, a computer needs regular maintenance and cleanup sessions that preserve its working ability and prolong its life. Since January is Clean Up Your Computer Month, there’s no time like the present to ensure that your PC is squeaky clean. Here’s how you can give your computer and its components a comprehensive cleaning.

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Tip of the Week: You Won’t Believe These 4 Common Items that Mess With WiFi!

b2ap3_thumbnail_wifi_interruptions_400.jpgWireless Internet access is something that a lot of people take for granted, yet we all complain about shoddy Internet connections from time to time. Little do they know that some of the most common issues with their wireless connection could be ordinary appliances and other conflicting technologies. You might be surprised by what they are!

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It’s Disaster Preparedness Day! Can Your Data Survive a Disaster?

b2ap3_thumbnail_fire_disaster_400.jpgSeptember was Disaster Preparedness Month; a time to seriously consider where your business stands if a disaster were to strike. What would be considered a disaster? That depends on your situation, but if something were to happen to your business, are you prepared to continue operations quickly? What solutions have you implemented to protect business continuity if something unfortunate were to happen to your organization?

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Do We REALLY Need to Explain Why You Shouldn’t Stab Batteries With a Knife? [VIDEO]

b2ap3_thumbnail_smartphone_battery_400.jpgFollowing in the iPhone’s footsteps, it’s been confirmed that Samsung mobile devices will no longer feature the removable battery and MicroSD card slots that differentiated them from its competition. While it’s not clear if this change will affect sales figures, it will probably be a while before Samsung users understand that their phones no longer feature removable batteries, which could lead to some potentially messy lawsuits.

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