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Michael DeMarco

Business Solutions & Software Group has been serving the Coral Springs area since 2005, providing IT Support such as technical helpdesk support, computer support, and consulting to small and medium-sized businesses.

Support Tech that has servered South Florida for 16 years helping our customers grow through the use of technology and streamline process changes weather it be from simple hardware implementation, software recommendations or custom software applications.

Think You Have Cybersecurity Covered? These 4 Solutions Are a Must

Think You Have Cybersecurity Covered? These 4 Solutions Are a Must

With so many dangers lurking on the Internet, it’s no small wonder that cybersecurity is an absolute must for all kinds of businesses these days, big or small. It can be challenging to know what you need to do to protect your business, though, which is why we work to promote awareness of security best practices for SMBs. Let’s go over some of the most effective ways you can secure your organization today.

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Here’s Some Information on How to Keep Your Business Compliant

Here’s Some Information on How to Keep Your Business Compliant

When you think of the words “compliance” and “your business” together in the same sentence, does the idea strike fear and dread into your heart? Businesses that fail to remain compliant could suffer severe penalties. It’s not always clear-cut what compliances your organization might need to adhere to, but we can help you implement the technology to ensure you remain compliant.

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Your IT Staff Should Earn These Certifications

Your IT Staff Should Earn These Certifications

A lot can change in business technology, even over the course of one short year. You should have IT workers on staff who are constantly seeking to improve their own skills and earn certifications that prove their continued dedication to professional development. Here is a short list of certifications your IT staff should consider seeking—or, if you don’t have internal staff, your outsourced technicians should hold.

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3 Ways to Tell You Need a Technology Upgrade

3 Ways to Tell You Need a Technology Upgrade

The big problem with technology is that it develops at such a fast pace that, before you know it, today’s shiny new toy is tomorrow’s dusty old thing. That said, innovation has slowed considerably in the past couple of years, yet the ability to know when your technology starts to hold you back is still a valuable skill to have.  We’re here to help you determine when that point occurs where your technology that used to be the cream of the crop, is now keeping your organization from achieving its full potential.

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Remote and Hybrid Workers Increase the Need for Encryption

Remote and Hybrid Workers Increase the Need for Encryption

A lot of businesses have been building out more flexible work conditions for their staff. This is mostly due to employee demand grown from COVID-era remote work. As more leeway is given and more people are able to work remotely, businesses have an issue they have to confront: data security in transit. 

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We are proud to announce the unveiling of our new website at Business Solutions & Software Group!


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10211 W Sample Road
Suite 114
Coral Springs, Florida 33065

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