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Michael DeMarco

Business Solutions & Software Group has been serving the Coral Springs area since 2005, providing IT Support such as technical helpdesk support, computer support, and consulting to small and medium-sized businesses.

Why You Should Look at Digital Signage for Your Business

Why You Should Look at Digital Signage for Your Business

In this day and age, it seems that everything is being digitized - even your business’ signage. This is to your benefit, as digital signage offers many capabilities that a traditional sign just can’t. If you’re on the fence about adding a digital signage strategy to your business, we have a few reasons to consider it a viable solution.

It Does the Job
In order to share information with your audience (or in other words, your business’ patrons) you need to grab their attention first. Studies have shown that digital signage outperformed other media types in catching a viewer’s attention. Additionally, you may just not have room for all the displays you want to share. Digital signage allows you to better capture a viewer’s interest and better notice the message(s) you have displayed.

It Makes Your Audience More Patient
Sometimes in business, you have to stall for time. If you understand what it is your audience is looking for, you can use digital signage to capture their attention by showing them exactly what they want to see - or at least a message that will interest them. Essentially, you can use your signage solution to distract your audience long enough for you to do what you need to do.

It’s More Affordable
While the equipment needed for your digital signage may be a large up-front investment, it may ultimately save you some capital in the form of reduced costs over time. Look at it this way: if you aren’t using digital signage, you’re likely using traditional signage. As a result, you’re purchasing a new sign each time you want to change what your sign says. Apart from the occasional software update, the only thing you have to do to change your digital sign is to update the image it will display.

This saves you money, both in material costs and in time spent updating your signs. Ultimately, it will pay for itself before long.

The best part, you don’t necessarily need to implement one of the fancy signage solutions designed for this purpose. If you have a television with the right inputs and a nice-looking stand, you have all you need to start experimenting with digital signage.

For more useful business solutions to help boost your operations in one way or another, reach out to Business Solutions & Software Group by calling (954) 575-3992, and subscribe to our blog!



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