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Business Solutions & Software Group Blog

Business Solutions & Software Group has been serving the Coral Springs area since 2005, providing IT Support such as technical helpdesk support, computer support, and consulting to small and medium-sized businesses.

Customers Deserve the Best Service Options

Customers Deserve the Best Service Options

Empathy with an audience is at the core of any successful business venture. If you fail to empathize with those you serve, your products and services will not meet their needs, further jeopardizing your organization's future. As a managed service provider, we strive to understand our clients' needs, and we tend to do so by addressing issues before the client even knows they exist.

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Overwhelmed? Consider Co-Managed IT Solutions

Overwhelmed? Consider Co-Managed IT Solutions

Businesses need a way to manage and maintain their technology, and if they don’t have internal IT departments, they might resort to outsourcing their IT outright. However, even businesses with technology professionals can benefit from working with a managed service provider. This approach, called co-managed IT, presents opportunities for considerable benefit.

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How SMBs Can Leverage Modern Technology to Create Opportunity

How SMBs Can Leverage Modern Technology to Create Opportunity

If you want to unlock your business’ true potential, you must intentionally implement technology that can move the needle. There are a lot of ways that new technology can do the exact opposite, however, and derail operations in a profound way. Let’s go over how you can ensure this doesn’t occur for your organization and some of the best tools to create more business opportunities.

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With Managed IT, You’ll Save Capital in So Many Ways

With Managed IT, You’ll Save Capital in So Many Ways

Costs are one of the biggest pain points for businesses of all sizes, and you need to have a system in place to help you gauge your return on all investments. One way to guarantee you get the best value out of your technology solutions, for example, is to work with a managed service provider.

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Churn and Burn: Employee Turnover and Burnout Hurts Business

Churn and Burn: Employee Turnover and Burnout Hurts Business

Running a business can be really hard and filled with difficult decisions. Some of the most important surround the policies that make it possible to retain your employees; and ensure that they are effective at the job you are paying them to do. In today’s article, we talk a little bit about how problematic it can be when you are forced to deal with a workforce that has a high percentage of turnover or employees that are too distracted and burnt out to be effective.

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We are proud to announce the unveiling of our new website at Business Solutions & Software Group!


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Call us today    (954) 575-3992

10211 W Sample Road
Suite 114
Coral Springs, Florida 33065

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