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Business Solutions & Software Group Blog

Business Solutions & Software Group has been serving the Coral Springs area since 2005, providing IT Support such as technical helpdesk support, computer support, and consulting to small and medium-sized businesses.

Businesses Demand These 3 Results from their Outsourced IT Provider

b2ap3_thumbnail_managed_services_demand_400.jpgA lot of today's companies are taking advantage of the money they can save by switching to an outsourced IT provider, but they all have their reasons. The reasons why they outsource their IT may vary by company, but there are always constants that can help you figure out what you should expect from your IT.

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Restaurant Experiences Major Losses Due to Foodies Instagramming Every Dish

b2ap3_thumbnail_smartphones_hurting_some_restaurants_400.jpgThe point of all these cool smartphones is to make life easier, improve productivity, and communication, but how sure are you that these devices are making things better? One restaurant did a study where they looked at their business both before and after the smartphone revolution. Their findings may make you lose your appetite for mobile technology.

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Windows Phone vs. iOS vs. Android: The Mobile Computing War Rages On!

b2ap3_thumbnail_apple_microsoft_lag_behind_in_mobile_400.jpgOf all the computer company rivalries going on, one of the largest and most well known is Apple vs. Microsoft. The storied competition between these two software giants has driven innovation forward for more than thirty years. Today, the frontlines of this battle take place between the two company's mobile divisions, and now there's a third major competitor in the mix.

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