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Business Solutions & Software Group Blog

Business Solutions & Software Group has been serving the Coral Springs area since 2005, providing IT Support such as technical helpdesk support, computer support, and consulting to small and medium-sized businesses.

Security and Productivity Must Be Priorities with Your Company’s Email Solution

b2ap3_thumbnail_email_security_and_productivity_400.jpgWe’re all hooked on our email. It has revolutionized the way businesses communicate, and in many cases, it can be a major distraction. If you’re a small business trying to manage your own Exchange server, you’re probably aware of how much a headache email can be. Do you really have time to host and manage your own email solution?

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6 Reasons Working from Home Isn’t Ideal

b2ap3_thumbnail_distractions_at_home_400.jpgIf you asked any of your employees whether they would prefer to work at home or in the office, we think it’s a safe bet that they would answer “at home.” Working remotely has several well-known benefits, including less commuting expenses, spare office space, and increased employee satisfaction. Despite these advantages, many employers are hesitant to let their staff work from home. Why is this the case?

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Backsourcing Your Outsourced IT

b2ap3_thumbnail_backsourcing_it_400.jpgOutsourcing your company’s IT services is an easy way to cut back on IT costs. For years, outsourced IT has been a growing trend with more companies making the switch, but just because your businesses has outsourced its technology services, doesn’t mean that backsourcing isn’t a valid option.

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Competition Drives Black Friday Sales and Can Enhance Your Business Too!

b2ap3_thumbnail_friendly_competition_400.jpgFor American retailers, Black Friday is the biggest and most competitive day on the shopping calendar. Consumers reap the rewards of all of this competition by taking advantage of deep discounts on their favorite items. Competition like this is a win-win for both parties! Can your business benefit like this from an infusion of friendly competition?

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Employers Aren’t the Only Ones Concerned About BYOD

b2ap3_thumbnail_employees_concerned_about_byod_400.jpgSome businesses embrace Bring Your Own Device (BYOD) policies in the workplace, while others aren’t so sure. If you think that employers are the only ones worried about BYOD policies, you might be surprised to learn that employees are just as concerned about it as their employers. Of course, their reasons are entirely different, but are still valid reasons to be on edge.

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