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Business Solutions & Software Group Blog

Business Solutions & Software Group has been serving the Coral Springs area since 2005, providing IT Support such as technical helpdesk support, computer support, and consulting to small and medium-sized businesses.

How a Cyberattack Can Cripple the Car Industry

How a Cyberattack Can Cripple the Car Industry

It’s easy to take something you use every single day for granted. That’s something that a lot of car dealerships are feeling right now, as one popular automotive dealership software platform has been down for several days due to a cyberattack.

You don’t realize just how critical your line of business app is until it’s suddenly not available and you can’t do the work you used to do. Here’s the story.

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What You Need to Do to Qualify for Cyber Insurance

What You Need to Do to Qualify for Cyber Insurance

Data loss has a severely damaging impact on the businesses that suffer from it, so why not help protect your business the same way you would with other damages? Cyber insurance helps do just that, and is therefore a super helpful investment for today’s businesses to embrace.

That said, just like other forms of insurance, there are certain requirements that must be met for a business to qualify. Let’s touch on some common requirements insurance providers have.

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A Rundown on the Largest Hack in U.S. History

A Rundown on the Largest Hack in U.S. History

2020 has brought us a lot of news that we’d rather not hear. Just days before the end of what may be regarded as one of the worst years on record, there is more. One of the largest hacks in the history of the Internet happened earlier this year and more is being learned about it each day. Today, we will tell you what we know, who it affected, and what your business needs to do to secure itself. 

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Identifying the Value of Managed IT: Consulting Services

Identifying the Value of Managed IT: Consulting Services

There are many business processes that require an experienced touch… experience that you may not personally have. In this case, you’d typically call in someone who does. Why should your technology be any different? In part two of our five-part series, we’re examining how a managed service provider can serve as a valued consultant for your business’ needs.

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