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Michael DeMarco

Business Solutions & Software Group has been serving the Coral Springs area since 2005, providing IT Support such as technical helpdesk support, computer support, and consulting to small and medium-sized businesses.

IT Services Can Help Promote Efficient Operations

IT Services Can Help Promote Efficient Operations

When it comes to preventing operational issues, eliminating unnecessary costs, and cutting out things that keep you from working toward your goals, technology is crucial. Through the power of technology, your business can automate processes, improve productivity, aid in collaboration, and keep critical systems in proper working order. It all starts with the right IT services provider.

When you work with a managed IT provider like us, you are essentially getting all of the benefits of an IT department without adding additional salaries to your budget. The value you can get from this type of service is immense. Here are just a few of the services you can expect to see from us.

Remote Monitoring and Management

An IT provider like Business Solutions & Software Group helps your business with proactive monitoring and management to keep its technology from breaking down. Hardware failure can be a particularly devastating situation to find yourself in. While you might be able to replace the technology itself, the data lost and time wasted are assets that you cannot get back. Instead of taking a reactive approach to IT maintenance by waiting for problems to surface, our certified technicians can monitor your systems for any telltale signs of trouble. With this proactive approach, you can know for certain that issues will be addressed before they become even bigger problems.

Cyber and Network Security

Hackers are growing ever bolder in their pursuits to bring businesses and enterprises to their knees, and you should absolutely be concerned about them. If you are not prioritizing security for your business, then you are essentially giving threats permission to tamper with your operations and your organization’s future. We can help you implement the best enterprise-level security measures to achieve maximum security. We can even help you develop policies and procedures that prioritize security, as well as train your staff on why it’s important to buy into a culture of security.

Technology Procurement and Deployment

Some folks look at the IT guy as someone who drops by the office to resolve the occasional tech problem. We certainly do this, but it is just one part of any successful managed IT services implementation strategy. You need someone who can help with each stage of the process, from infrastructure design to implementation and support. Business Solutions & Software Group can be your company’s go-to IT resource, performing all of the above in a professional and competent manner.

Managed IT might seem like a big thing to commit to, but it’s one that allows small businesses the competitive boost to beat out others. Business Solutions & Software Group can be the deciding factor; reach out to us today at (954) 575-3992.



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10211 W Sample Road
Suite 114
Coral Springs, Florida 33065

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