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Michael DeMarco

Business Solutions & Software Group has been serving the Coral Springs area since 2005, providing IT Support such as technical helpdesk support, computer support, and consulting to small and medium-sized businesses.

Go Green by Taking Advantage of Remote Technology

b2ap3_thumbnail_go_green_phone_400.jpgToday's business world is more environmentally conscious than ever before. An organization that goes green will help the Earth, improve their reputation, gain tax credits, and even attract new environmentally-conscious customers. When your business is making changes to go green, one of the easiest places to start is with your technology.

Of course, one of the best things you can do for the environment is to organize a trash cleanup day for your community. This is actually a great team-building exercise for your staff, but picking up trash can be pretty nasty. Now, we don't want to discourage you from going outside and doing the nasty. Instead, we want to inform you about how you can help the environment without getting your hands dirty by using remote technology.

Take Advantage of Remote Support
The traditional way of doing IT support is bad for the environment. In a typical break-fix situation, your computer breaks and a technician loads their gear in a van and drives to your office to remedy the issue. When the problem is resolved, the technician hops back into their van and drives away. By having to drive all over South Florida to handle repair calls, a typical break-fix computer repair company consumes gallons of nonrenewable fossil fuels each day and creates a huge carbon footprint.

With Business Solutions & Software Group's remote support service, we're able to take care of many IT problems remotely. Because we can fix your PC from our end, we're able to leave our vans in the parking lot and not add to the carbon monoxide polluting the air. Because teleportation has yet to be invented, we can't totally eliminate service calls from the equation and we'll still have to drive to you to take care of hardware issues. However, using our remote monitoring and maintenance service will take care of PC issues before they turn into problems. This makes sure that your computers run smoothly and experience fewer PC breakdowns, which is good for the environment and your bottom line.

Take Advantage of Working from Home
In same way that you can help the environment by taking IT break-fix vans off the road, you can take advantage of the same remote technology to allow your employees to work from home. The average commute in the U.S. lasts 25 minutes each way. Multiple this figure by the number of days in a workweek and the size of your staff, and you're looking at vastly reducing your company's carbon footprint by saving your employees from having to drive to and from the office.

Bottom line, any time that you're able to keep a vehicle sitting in a parking lot, the Earth (and its residents) breathe a little easier. By taking advantage of remote IT solutions from Business Solutions & Software Group, you can step outside on sunny day and the air will taste extra sweet because you will know that your business is part of the solution!

To learn about more technologies that your company can take advantage of in order to go green, give Business Solutions & Software Group a call at (954) 575-3992.



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