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Business Solutions & Software Group Blog

Business Solutions & Software Group has been serving the Coral Springs area since 2005, providing IT Support such as technical helpdesk support, computer support, and consulting to small and medium-sized businesses.

How Long a Laptop Should Last (and How to Tell When to Replace It)

How Long a Laptop Should Last (and How to Tell When to Replace It)

The laptop is one of the most useful innovations in modern computing—not only is it capable of accomplishing most (if not all) modern workplace tasks, it does so while offering the portability that today’s mobile operations require. However, these productivity workhorses don’t last forever…but how do you know when the time has come to upgrade?

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You Might Not Realize the Critical Role Backup Plays

You Might Not Realize the Critical Role Backup Plays

There are many moving parts of a functional and successful business, all of which depend on access to its data. If you’re not prepared for a worst-case scenario in which your data gets wiped out, you’ll be in dire straits with no opportunities for recovery. If you take proactive action now, you can prevent a data loss incident from sinking your business.

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Check Out These 6 Solid Communications Tools

Check Out These 6 Solid Communications Tools

Communication is an incredibly important aspect of running a business that you cannot overlook, especially when all eyes are on you to make sure your team has access to the tools they need to succeed. The pandemic has brought about a surge of adoption of new and innovative collaboration tools, so how are you using these tools to better your business and its operations?

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Solid Server Room Strategies

Solid Server Room Strategies

The modern business depends on its data, so maintaining your infrastructure and keeping it healthy should be imperative to your success. Businesses generally host their data on servers, and keeping these complex pieces of technology safe, secure, and sound will take more effort than managing your average workstation. Follow these best practices and your job will be made much easier, though!

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Improve Your Organizational Security with a Single Sign-On

Improve Your Organizational Security with a Single Sign-On

One of the ways that businesses have approached the issue of having to log into multiple different accounts, applications, websites, and services is through the use of single sign-on solutions. It’s a common technology that you might see just about every day, but how does it work, and what kind of security can you expect from it?

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10211 W Sample Road
Suite 114
Coral Springs, Florida 33065

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