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Business Solutions & Software Group Blog

Business Solutions & Software Group has been serving the Coral Springs area since 2005, providing IT Support such as technical helpdesk support, computer support, and consulting to small and medium-sized businesses.

Get More Done With Automation

Get More Done With Automation

More than ever, data fuels business decision making. To get the best use out of the data your business collects, automated tools can be used. This eliminates the (often impossible) task of manually getting the data together and then analyzing it. Today, we’ll talk about data automation and how rethinking how you look at your data can really help your business improve its operations.

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Data Loss: A Business’ Biggest Faux Pas

Data Loss: A Business’ Biggest Faux Pas

Your business’ data is its lifeblood, which means that one of your internal priorities should be protecting it. While we often discuss the importance of your cybersecurity to defend against data theft and similar issues, it is also important to consider what would happen if the data loss was caused due to damage to the infrastructure it was stored on.

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Are You Trying to Grow Your Business?

Are You Trying to Grow Your Business?

Small business owners have to confront a lot of issues, with more every day. As your business grows, however, there are too many for you to manage on your own. If your business is too big to control, you will need to expand on your strategies. Today, we will take a look at how decision-making shifts when your business grows. 

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How Current Events Should Impact Your Business’ Technology Strategy

How Current Events Should Impact Your Business’ Technology Strategy

While it is very, very hard to say that much good has come from the COVID-19 pandemic, much less to make light of it, it is an important exercise for all of us to take. That’s why we wanted to take a few moments to reflect on the advancements—including an objectively silly one—that this time has helped foster.

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Careful, This Wallpaper will Brick Your Phone. Wait, What?

Careful, This Wallpaper will Brick Your Phone. Wait, What?

Hold onto your hats folks, this article is a rollercoaster. It has been recently discovered that a totally innocuous photograph is causing smartphones to break when set as the wallpaper. Is this some new malicious type of malware? Are dastardly hackers behind this exploit? 

It’s a much crazier story. Let’s take a look

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