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Business Solutions & Software Group Blog

Business Solutions & Software Group has been serving the Coral Springs area since 2005, providing IT Support such as technical helpdesk support, computer support, and consulting to small and medium-sized businesses.

Improve Your Business with Workflow Automation

Improve Your Business with Workflow Automation

Technology is a big part of the front end of almost every business. This is doubly true today as most businesses have built—and actively support—a robust web presence. Technology, however, is also used to power a business on the back end. Today, we’ll discuss a couple ways that today’s businesses are benefiting from automation behind the scenes, as well.

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Some of Our Favorite Google Docs Features

Some of Our Favorite Google Docs Features

Google Workspace is one of the most utilized productivity suites in business. Within the useful suite of productivity apps is Google Docs, Google’s word processor. Today, we thought we would take you through Google Docs to show you some of the features you can expect. 

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How 5G Could Shape the IoT

How 5G Could Shape the IoT

The fifth generation of wireless communications—5G—has been hotly anticipated, already appearing in advertisements for cellular connectivity and set to expand the potential of automated processes. One particularly pertinent application is to the smart devices and services that make up the Internet of Things. Let’s consider where 5G currently stands, and how its capabilities could impact the IoT.

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How Small Businesses Can Embrace the Benefits of AI

How Small Businesses Can Embrace the Benefits of AI

For the small business, cutting costs or otherwise increasing the value that their technology can provide is an important consideration. To accomplish this, many businesses are now turning to AI-enhanced automation. Let’s see how they are doing so, and how it helps to make their operations more productive.

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How Comment Sections Can Be Cleaned Up with AI

How Comment Sections Can Be Cleaned Up with AI

There are theoretically countless ways that artificial intelligence can have practical applications. One that you may not have initially considered: as a content filter for Internet comments. With trolling, spamming, and other misuse of these platforms getting far out of hand, let’s consider how some platforms are using AI to fight back.

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Suite 114
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