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Michael DeMarco

Business Solutions & Software Group has been serving the Coral Springs area since 2005, providing IT Support such as technical helpdesk support, computer support, and consulting to small and medium-sized businesses.

3 Simple Solutions to Free Yourself from IT Issues

b2ap3_thumbnail_usa_it_400.jpgWe're just about to roll into a weekend, which to a lot of employees (and hopefully some business owners) means a little bit of relaxation and freedom from the day-to-day grind of business - not that it's all THAT bad, but it's nice to step away for a while, right?

We know what it's like running a business. Sometimes you simply can't unplug, step away, and be free. There's just too much to worry about, and not enough time in the day. Business owners often sacrifice that little bit of freedom the weekend brings (when you should be spending time with family, recharging your batteries, and preparing for yet another Monday). We have a few ways to help you free up more time.

If you can't find the time for freedom, then you're doing something wrong. It doesn't help that you can't leave your desk for three minutes without feeling like you're forgetting something. Poor time management is one of the biggest freedom killers out there. Even if you feel like you're excellent at time management, and you are using productivity applications to plan your days out to the minute, you still might have trouble finding free time. Perhaps it is time for you to call in your secret weapon.

That's right - the freedom-finding productivity solutions from Business Solutions & Software Group. We can't add more hours to the day, but something we can do is offer your business technologies that will help you find more free time and slash the hours spent on burdensome tasks that you would otherwise have to do yourself. Isn't that what freedom is all about? At Business Solutions & Software Group, we firmly believe that technology is the key to unlocking your freedom, and we're here to provide you with three of our many business technologies that can make your work desk feel less like a prison.

Remote Software Maintenance
Upgrading and maintaining your company's software can take its toll on your time and your sanity, especially if you don't have anyone else to fall back on and it's entirely your responsibility. With Business Solutions & Software Group's managed IT services, we'll be able to remotely access your system to proactively upgrade and maintain your machines for you! This is one less thing you need to worry about, and you'll finally get some breathing room in your busy schedule. And, since your software will always be running the latest versions and security patches, you can be confident that your company's network security is at its best. With all of the malware and viruses roaming the internet these days, keeping mission critical software like your operating systems, business applications, and antivirus up-to-date will prevent a lot of time-consuming issues in the future.

Even if you don't handle the tech support for your company, you can still save countless hours by outsourcing your IT to us. With our remote software solution and other managed IT services, Business Solutions & Software Group can free up time for whoever is in charge of your IT. We call this the "trickle down effect," meaning that by cutting down the time that your current IT management is spent handling your IT, you'll be able to put more tasks on their day that will then allow you to have more free time. After all, according to the history of the American people, nothing says "freedom" better than putting all of the work on others and taking theirs away!

Backup and Disaster Recovery (BDR)
Business Solutions & Software Group has a BDR solution that backs up your data and has it ready to recover on a moment's notice. This alleviates any responsibility that you have for such an important task. Data backup is a necessity for any small business in the 21st century, and by taking advantage of our feature-filled solution, you'll be taking significant steps toward the luxury that we all covet - freedom!

Remote IT Support
You have everything set up to take a nice, long, well-deserved vacation. But unavoidably, something catastrophic happens that rips your perfectly planned schedule to pieces. An unexpected computer problem could knock all of your plans for a vacation out the window, and you want plenty of preventive measures put in place to ensure that your free time isn't interrupted. Business Solutions & Software Group will be able to remotely take care of most computer issues, and monitor your system for any abnormalities that could suppress your freedom.

Business Solutions & Software Group can free you from the oppression that the workplace can instigate on your free time. We'll liberate your business from the inescapable time crunch that devours any freedom you might have, and reinstate the same freedom that you enjoy so much as a business owner. Give us a call at (954) 575-3992, and outsource your company's IT to Business Solutions & Software Group. We'll redefine IT freedom for your business!



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