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Business Solutions & Software Group Blog

Business Solutions & Software Group has been serving the Coral Springs area since 2005, providing IT Support such as technical helpdesk support, computer support, and consulting to small and medium-sized businesses.

3 of the Biggest Benefits of the Managed IT Model

b2ap3_thumbnail_proactive_it_support_400.jpgIT can be a tricky concept to the business owner, and we all know how touchy technology can be at times. It can be working one minute, then completely incapacitated the next. This unpredictability is one reason why the concept of help desk support was created. It’s an important way to assist individuals when they need help most.

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3 Warning Signs That Can Reveal Your IT Staff’s True Colors

b2ap3_thumbnail_employee_true_colors_400.jpgYour IT staff deals with your technology on a daily basis, and that same technology is necessary for your company’s survival. In a sense, your IT staff holds the future of your business in their hands. This tremendous responsibility demands a certain level of trust from the business owner, but sometimes they might have other ulterior motives in mind. How can you tell if you’re being fooled by your IT staff?

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How Much is it the Employer’s Responsibility to Ensure Employee Productivity?

b2ap3_thumbnail_employer_responsibility_400.jpgWhen you hire a new employee, you make it clear what the job’s expectations are. You expect them to be productive, and you provide them with an environment that’s conducive to getting the job done. This leads us to ask a fundamental question about workplace productivity: How much responsibility do you have in aiding your employees’ productivity?

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Why Bother Archiving Your Email?

b2ap3_thumbnail_archiving_your_email_400.jpgWhat’s the point of archiving company emails? After all, it takes up a significant amount of storage space that might be used for other, more important information. Maybe it’s because you’re forced to do so by some regulation, but there are other reasons that archiving your email is a good thing. Whatever the reason, you’ve made the right choice by archiving your email.

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You Can Lose Your Data as Easily as You Can Forget a “Eureka!” Moment

b2ap3_thumbnail_eureka_moments_400.jpgDo you get some of your best ideas somewhere other than at your desk? Ever get a brilliant game-changing idea while walking the dog, driving home from work, when out at a restaurant, or even in the shower? If you do, then you’ve experienced the frustration of forgetting your life-changing idea before you get a chance to write it down.

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