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Business Solutions & Software Group Blog

Business Solutions & Software Group has been serving the Coral Springs area since 2005, providing IT Support such as technical helpdesk support, computer support, and consulting to small and medium-sized businesses.

Tired of Email? Here are Some Alternatives

b2ap3_thumbnail_email_alternatives_400.jpgEver since the world adopted the Internet, email has been a part of the picture. Initially, email seemed like a dynamic tool compared to faxes and metered mail, but now, the average worker despises their email inbox for its unreasonable demands on their time and its hindrance to productivity. Are there any options that can replace email in the workplace?

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Stop Wasting Time and Money on Unused Software and Applications

b2ap3_thumbnail_stop_wasting_time_400.jpgYears and years of doing business means years and years of applications and software getting installed on your computer. Before you know it, you don't use any of them anymore, or they are outclassed by other, more useful programs. Going through each of your systems individually is time-consuming and monotonous. So, what can you do about this?

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Microsoft Unveils Windows 10: “One Product Family, One Platform, One Store”

b2ap3_thumbnail_microsoft_logo_400.jpgWhat we expected to be Windows 9 has been gradually revealed through leaks over the past several weeks, but Microsoft has thrown a curveball into the mix with Windows 10. The latest information, revealed during a public Microsoft Windows event, has gone into much detail concerning the nature of the newest incarnation of Windows, including its focus on enterprise and cloud-centric policy.

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Automation: Is it Suffocating Real-World Talent?

b2ap3_thumbnail_automation_at_work_400.jpgTechnology grows more powerful and complex every day, and there have been increasing efforts to automate certain repetitive tasks. In the near future, we may be able to look at fully automated assembly lines. While most companies are concentrating on what this means for their budgets, automation could very well be a threat to jobs around the world.

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Sharpen Your Focus with an IT Roadmap and Reorganization

b2ap3_thumbnail_it_strategies_400.jpgWith so many new trends popping up in today's technology industry, it's only natural that a change of pace, or even a change in strategy, be considered by any business hoping to take advantage of what the world has to offer. Your company needs to adapt to change if it hopes to be successful in the future business world.

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