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Michael DeMarco

Business Solutions & Software Group has been serving the Coral Springs area since 2005, providing IT Support such as technical helpdesk support, computer support, and consulting to small and medium-sized businesses.

Support Tech that has servered South Florida for 16 years helping our customers grow through the use of technology and streamline process changes weather it be from simple hardware implementation, software recommendations or custom software applications.

Technologies You Need If You’re Going to Use Remote Workers

Technologies You Need If You’re Going to Use Remote Workers

Does your business use remote workers? If you currently don’t, you should know that there are several benefits of allowing your staff to work outside of the confines of your office, but you have to be careful. These days, with the threat landscape as it is, it is important that if you are going to allow remote workers, that you have a strategy in place. Let’s take a look at some of the tools you will need if you want to take advantage of remote workers. 

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Phishing is a Major Threat

Phishing is a Major Threat

Fishing - a jerk on one end of a line waiting for a jerk on the other end.
Phishing - very similar to fishing, but much more consequential.

While the word phishing is humorous and relatable due to it being derived from the word “fishing”, the consequences of falling victim to a phishing attack are far from comical. Today we will discuss just how serious these attacks can be, and the easiest way to prevent them.

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Get the Utility You Need From the Cloud

Get the Utility You Need From the Cloud

If you’ve ever moved files from a flash drive, you are likely well aware at how troublesome limited storage space can be. Business data storage is no different, however the flash drives transition into servers, and the $10 tech store purchase transitions to thousands upon thousands of dollars storage server. There has to be a better way to store data, right? Luckily, thanks to cloud computing -- there is.

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Best Practices for Your File Sharing and Collaboration Needs

Best Practices for Your File Sharing and Collaboration Needs

Today, a business accumulates a lot - a lot - of files as time passes, and for the most part, they all need to be stored somewhere. In addition to that, there’s a good chance that multiple people will need to remain involved with these files. These challenges can be resolved by adopting solutions devoted to file sharing and collaboration. To assist with this process, we’ve decided to share a few best practices that will help make your implementation much easier.

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Tip of the Week: Methods to Securing Your Smartphone

Tip of the Week: Methods to Securing Your Smartphone

The smartphone has quickly become a staple in modern society, as users rely on them to accomplish more and more. You could probably say the same of your own use of it. This means that there are not only huge amounts of smartphones and smartphone users, there is a huge amount of threats out there to target them.

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10211 W Sample Road
Suite 114
Coral Springs, Florida 33065

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