For years, you've heard about the growing role of technology in healthcare, promising to stabilize costs, improve access, and personalize care delivery. As these innovations take hold, however, they also raise serious concerns about data privacy. Today, we’ll explore some of the technological advancements in healthcare and their implications for patient data privacy.
Business Solutions & Software Group Blog
Given the widespread discussion surrounding artificial intelligence (AI) in households nationwide, it's evident that this technology has become integral to the operations of numerous entities. AI has found its place, from business and education to civic affairs, even within the U.S. Department of Homeland Security (DHS). How exactly is the DHS harnessing AI to enhance the security of everyday Americans?
Technology is a major part of all people’s lives, with the most used and pervasive technologies having been created by large corporations that can seemingly do whatever they want without repercussion. Let’s look at the efforts to keep this “big tech” under control and why it’s important for society.
Back in 1942, Isaac Asimov wrote a short story called “Runaround” that formally introduced his Three Laws of Robotics as a complete set of rules that all robots in his Robots series were beholden to. Now, Google has announced that a similar safeguard will inform how their future AI-enabled machines will operate, partially inspired by the Three Laws.
Let’s look at what Google has coined their “Robot Constitution,” and how it works.
For the past six months, the social media giant Meta (AKA Facebook) has attempted to take advantage of the perceived instability at X (AKA Twitter) and create a microblogging community in the same vein, called Threads. Today, we thought we would take a look at Threads and how it is similar to X, and how it aims to pull users away from the microblogging giant.
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