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Make your technology work for your business.

Get all-you-can-eat Help Desk and Support for your entire staff.

Don't let your employees just cope with workstation issues; with ITCloud360 they can quickly get a ticket in to tech support without costing your business a dime.

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Make your technology work for your business.

With Business Solutions & Software Group, you can stop worrying about IT issues so you can focus on moving your business forward. Our experienced staff monitor and maintain your IT infrastructure 24x7 to keep your business running.

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Eliminate costly downtime by detecting and resolving IT issues before they bring down your systems.

With 24x7 monitoring and maintenance, most typical workstation issues can be prevented. Focus on your business, not your IT.

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Is your Network secure? Is your Data backed up and protected?

How confident are you in the security of your IT infrastructure? How often do you backup your company's data? Are you storing a recent backup offsite? When was the last time you tested a restore from your current backup solution? ITCloud360 will give you peace of mind.

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BSSG, Inc makes it easy to get technical support. Click Support below to find out how we can help you.

Our 10 Benefits

Find out how your company can benefit from Managed IT Services today

Client Testimonials

Their technical knowledge always is current, they respond to our inquiries and service needs immediately, always meet deadlines, are flexisble, stay within budget and are experts at monitoring our network, preventing downtime and anticipating our needs.
Carol Lewis ( VP West Palm Beach )
BSSG has assisted us in expanding our company both economically and efficiently, while at the same time our sales grew 240% over the last 4 years.
Richard Edwards ( SATAIR (GM) Fort Lauderdale )

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Our Site Has Launched!


Welcome to Our New Site!
We are proud to announce the unveiling of our new website at Business Solutions & Software Group!


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Learn more about what Business Solutions & Software Group can do for your business.


Call us today    (954) 575-3992

10211 W Sample Road
Suite 114
Coral Springs, Florida 33065

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